Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

An Amazing Show!

Well, if anyone thinks that Christians are stuffy people singing ancient songs with the choir, think again!

While not the top billing of the night, a group called Family Force 5 performed before the "big" show featuring Toby Mac . Kids were so excited to see this group and I had no idea what, exactly, to expect....

Wow! This group might just be under the definition of the word hyper in your Funk and Wagmall's! The amount of activity onstage is mind-boggling! They were entertaining and amazing!

At each show, there is a team of Deaf Interpreters working . Sometimes, it is so fascinating to watch these people that one forgets about the group playing. Many times, though, the lead singer will make his or her way over and stand long enough for a photo.

I was so happy when the lead singer of this group went over and spent enough time for *several* photos with this beautiful young woman. She was working so hard keeping up with their fast-paced music and appeared quite happy when he came over for a visit!

Hats off, not only to the group for a lively performance, but also the people who work so hard delivering the music to those who cannot hear!

Oh...and me? My own hearing is returning....what a loud and wonderful show!

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