By wellsforzoe

Wezzie Nyrienda: Supergirl

12th September 2016:

This is Wezzie Nyrenda. She is 14 and just finished Form 2, in Luwinga Secondary School. She has 3 brothers and walks for about 40 minutes to school.
She is staying with her aunt, because her parents are both dead. She doesn't know what caused her parent’s  death or what their names were because she was too young. She is worried about her future because if her aunt stops assisting her with her daily needs, she won't know where to go. Which means her life is in danger. Her brothers can't afford fees and he failed to go further with his education, so the two are just staying at home. (written at her interview)

When Wezzie came to W4Z she had no possibility of fees and no future in school.

Term 1
agri 31%
bio 38%
chichewa 51%
english 54%
history 46%
geog 54%
life 54%
maths 20%
physics 45%
social 49%

Term 2
Life S:65%
She is in a class of 38 and went from 12th place in Term 1 to 18th  place in Term 2, but she is such a diligent girl and her attendance is excellent.
Now the wonderful news is that she has got the best results of our 32 girls who sat their Junior Cert State Exam (JCE) back in June.
She got 2 A’s, 2B’s, 6 C’s and 1D
This was a phenomenal result for anyone, but in her circumstances.

She is a wonder kid 

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