Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T


Today it was the turn of the other dozen bunnies to come out with us.  We had decided to go to Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.  We hadn't realised that this was the first harbour liberated by the Allies in 1944.  Another lovely French village of old buildings and streets to be explored.  It seems to have retained much of it's original character and the harbour was packed with boats.  We were hoping for a final crepe and found a quaint little bar serving crepes.  The locals were even happy to wave for a photo!  The bunnies however got shy and hid under my hat until they could pose by the crepe.  Past experience has taught them (and me) it's very hard to explain Blip to a non-English speaker when I can't speak French well enough!

The bunnies at home were happy to pose with the Vin Rouge and the Pain au Chocolat, and yes bunnies we love Normandy too.  Can't believe we have to go home tomorrow.  :-(  

Going to be a long day as we have the 18:30 crossing, and get back to the UK at 21:45.  We couldn't find anywhere near Poole to stay that didn't cost a fortune and had somewhere the bikes could be kept safe, so I will have to have plenty of coffee and coke to keep me awake (and cross my legs)!

Still, I will have a final swim tomorrow morning.  It's nice being able to swim without checking a timetable and being able to get in the pool everyday!

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