Mountain Apollo

When I opened the shutters this morning it was clear there'd been a lot of rain in the valleys overnight. Driving into Chamonix for a meeting about work for 2017 I could see that it had snowed down to around 2000m in the mountains - by the time we finished our brunch it had melted back, but a clear sign that summer is disappearing from the haute montagne.

On my way back I stopped at the Thermal Parc to stretch my legs - the rocks of the école escalade I visited a few weeks ago were still wet, and with the summer café locked up I had the place virtually to myself. On the last of some Knapweed I saw this beautiful chap - having never seen one before this is the second I've blipped this year - its been a wonderful summer for butterflies in the Alps.
Then home to pack, ready for the long drive North.

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