
A morning of packing and cleaning - then after a last French lunch with friends it's the long long drive to the Tunnel and the inevitably longer drive through the UK.
I left in rain, drove through brilliant sunshine and am now blipping this as I hide from a storm that as I drove into it felt like hitting a wall. Still 500 km to go....
In the bright sun I stopped at an aire hoping to find inspiration for a blip. As I sat on a bench I noticed movement - "aha" I thought " spider blip!". Well he is an arachnid. Disgustingly the red spots are parasitic red mites (regular followers will know my views on parasites....), horrible  but they do add both colour and interest. I also like how the prehensile nature of the harvestman's two sensor legs can be seen. Interestingly harvestmen have a defense mechanism of losing a leg, which will continue to spasm and move to attract a predator whilst they escape.

It's been a mixed season in the Alps this year - the work I did went very well and both companies have already offered me treks for next year - but I've known in myself that whilst the wrist and mojo are recovering the ankle is not - as it approaches the 10month mark it looks likely that further intervention by the surgeon will be necessary.

Philosophy Friday
I posted this over on my FB page and it got a great reaction, I hope I can make it work here.
I've written thousands of words trying to find the how that explains why; this video by Prince Ea says it so well.

Everybody dies, not everybody lives.

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