Still not 100%

…..................Continuing the saga of a poorly collie........................... Look at my last Blip for more information.

So last night I gobbled up all my boiled rice and chicken in super quick time. And then promptly threw up all the rice a couple of hours later and was sick a couple more times overnight. Ann left the sun terrace door open for me because I'm a very clever little collie and if I'm going to be sick I know to go outside if at all possible. Also the pills that I'm taking for the abscess on my paw (which is almost better) make me drink more. And obviously if I drink more I have to wee more. I'm not really supposed to wee on the sun terrace but in an emergency it's OK. And last night was an emergency. I had two wees in the middle of the night.

Anyway enough of my weeing habits this morning I went for my walk and I was being slower than a snail so Ann cut short my walk because she didn't think I was very happy. I was very subdued and had my sad face on.

I got more boiled rice and chicken for my breakfast but do you know what?..................... I didn't want it. I just wanted to go back to sleep. So that is what I did. And then Ann woke me up and hand fed me little bits of chicken with my pills.

Honestly I am such a worry to Ann at times. This morning she had to go scrubbing cleaning her neighbours holiday let so she left the sun terrace door open again in case I needed to wee or be sick. But I didn't. I just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep. Every time she came back to check on me I was just in snooze mode.

This afternoon Ann said, 'Molly, I need to assess how lively you are. If I need to phone the vet again I'd like to do it before the weekend. You can have a run down at Mans Head.' Mans Head is a grassy area at the end of the beach and we spotted two dolphins splashing about in the sea there yesterday. Well I knew that Ann just wanted to go dolphin watching again and I'm not really interested in watching dolphins, so I just potted about and was in mega slow mode and Ann didn't see any dolphins today. I was in even slower mode when we went for a little trek around town. At one point Ann actually thought she might have to pick me up and carry me home and she's not strong enough to carry me for any distance. I was being slower than a snail and instead of a walk I was just being dragged behind Ann.

Anyway to cut a very long story short, I eventually made it home and lay down for another snooze. Ann phoned her friend and said she wasn't going out to play tonight because she had a poorly collie to look after. At about 5.30pm I got my dinner – a bowl of salmon & rice (dog food salmon & rice) and I wolfed it down. And now Ann's just wondering if I'm going to be sick again?!! But I'm in snooze mode again. And I'm not showing any signs of wanting to be sick.

…...............So it looks like Ann has given up an evening out to watch soaps all night. Lol!!!

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