
…...........Continuing on with the poorly collie saga.................

Last night when Ann went to bed she left the sun terrace door open for me in case I wanted to go to the toilet or be sick. I was sick. I sicked up all my salmon & rice dinner that I'd gobbled up last night.

I had to get up early this morning because Ann was going to work and I had to have my walk before she went. I didn't want to get up early. I wanted to keep sleeping but I didn't get a choice in the matter. Ann said, 'Molly, we'll just go along the lane for half an hour. You can manage that.' But I couldn't manage that. I was still really, really tired and I didn't want to go for my walk. I literally got dragged to the lane and when I got let off my lead I just stood and looked pathetic. My 'pathetic look' worked. Ann said, 'OK Molly, if you really don't want to go for a walk you don't have to. At least you've had a wee and a poo.'

I didn't want to eat my breakfast either so I got fed my pills with a little bit of cheese. Then Ann went off to work leaving the sun terrace door open for me so that I could go outside if need be. Ann doesn't think I moved the whole time she was at work because when she came home I was lying exactly where she'd left me. But at least I hadn't been sick again. And I was very very pleased to see her. My waggy tail went into overdrive!

Ann said, 'Molly, I need to go to the shop (which is less than 5 mins away). You can come with me so that I can assess how lively you are.' I wasn't at all lively. I got dragged to the shop and I got dragged home. And then I was allowed to have more snooze time. It was quite sunny so we both had snooze time on the sun terrace.

I've just been into the field next to our house for a little play. There were 5 other doggies in the field but I didn't want to play with them. I ambled around the field and then went into snooze mode as soon as I got in. I don't want my dinner either so I've been fed my pills with cheese again.

…....................I am such a worry at times!

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