Chocolate chops

What a day!!

Fourth in the quiz last night, but that quickly became immaterial, as all the punters were told that the pub would be closed next Thursday for the landladys' funeral, she had died suddenly, aged 46 :-(

We went to pick up youngest son, who is off work at the mo with problems relating to his eyes again......he had another MRI scan yesterday so we went for the results this morning. All good, nothing untoward, all normal. He also went for his 3 month eye check up yesterday, his pressure is way up in his left eye....means he has to have another operation. They can't do it for a couple of weeks, so it's going to be whilst we are on holiday :-/ it's a repeat of his earlier op. Which will be done as a day case this time. At least he will be able to sleep,in his own bed.

Once we dropped him back at home, we went on to see middle son, his wife and our two,youngest granddaughters. The M6 was its usual nightmare.....took 90 minutes instead of 50 to get there. Olivia was asleep when we arrived, Isabella was running around smiling away, as usual. We decided to go out for some lunch once Olivia had woken up......a trip to Burger King...not our usual sort of lunch, but it was ok, the girls enjoyed it ;-)

Mummy had to run an errand so we did some window shopping on the retail park until she came back. We treated the girls to a couple of DVDs, and some clothes for their holidays. We will be meeting up with them abroad as we overlap.

Once back home we had a quick cuppa before hitting the road at 4 in order to try and beat the rush hour traffic. Didn't work, We didn't get home until just after 6........hate the M6!!

Weve just had a quick cheese omelette for dinner and now we are going to have a quiet couple of hours in front of the TV.

Today's blip is Olivia laughing, listening to her grandad, whilst chomping on a chocolate digestive :-)

Think I'll sleep tonight, feeling rather tired!

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