Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Early Fall Color

We went out for a drive to see the changing Aspen trees.  This was taken from a side road that we decided to explore.  The road got very narrow and rutted and just when we thought we would have to back all the way down, we came to an open area where we parked the truck.  From there we walked up the rest of the way to the top (well, almost the top) and were rewarded with this view.  The extra is a close look at the different color stages of the Aspens.  They are growing amid a forest of mostly dead pine trees, although there are a few mixed in that look green and healthy.  They somehow survived the vicious pine beetles that infested our forests and killed thousands of trees.  It's so sad to see this!

Thank you very much to everyone who left comments and stars and hearts on yesterday's and previous blips.  I appreciate all of them so much!  

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