
By ForthPorts

What of today?

Well I met two remarkable women.

1. Keryn Matthew, a Miss Scotland finalist (she didn't win...what were the judges thinking!)  You can't see from this photo but she has insanely perfect teeth when she smiled. I may treat you to a back blip someday.

It's not every day you get a Miss Scotland Finalist in your van doing DJ Casper's 'Cha  Cha Slide (Part 2)' but today was the day. Two hops this time.

Cha Cha Slide

2. This is Elaine Hopley. She is a solo ocean rower. In a few weeks time she will attempt to become the fastest women's solo crossing of the Atlantic (a mere 3453 miles)! Here she is sitting on her boat, a tiny 6.8m long (imagine a fibreglass shoe with a cupboard at one end). Incredibly fit. I admit to sucking in the old paunch as I chatted to her. She did the 1,000  miles Land's End to John O'Groats in a week (on a bike, not in her boat)

Good luck to her.

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Elaine Hopley

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