Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Well worth a visit!

Today was the day to return home from Bala, but conveniently I only needed a short diversion to visit Weston Park to see Graham Colling's exhibition which is on this month. They are superb photos, and I had the added bonus of meeting Graham. Thanks so much Graham for providing the opportunity to see real prints, and not just the usual small Blip versions (though those are impressive enough).

I'd hoped to look at the park while I was there, but as it happened they were preparing the grounds for the Midland Game Fair over the weekend, so I wasn't able to do this. I'll probably try to go there again before the end of the month to look at the park, and the exhibition again. I hope I'll have worked out a better route too, as I got rather lost leaving (the sat nav was determined I should go via the motorway, whereas I wanted to follow the country route).

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