A very happy Ben!

So that's it! Both boys have been enrolled into their Unis and are set up for the next few years in England!

Before heading to Jon for a final shop and goodbyes, Ben and I stopped over at a music store to buy a few things Ben couldn't bring from home. He was absolutely in his element playing the bass again and checking out amps. Got what he needed. He is one happy bunny!

Picked up Jon and drove around Oxford and picked up a few last minute necessities. He's all set up now. I'm happy but was sobbing when it came to goodbyes. I will see him again, before I leave, but it was still hard. I had students looking at me, but I just couldn't hold it in :(. Most of the students would have their families here and for a moment I was so envious of that.

Ben said I should take a few moments and gather myself before we hit the road back to London.

Phew! Okay, Jon is done and Ben is done and I am feeling quite relieved yet I know come Oct 11th, relief will be last emotion I'll be feeling.

Anyway, this phase of life was inevitable and all is as it should be. Lord please watch over my children.

Safely back at David and Eileen's and good to be with dear loving friends at this time.

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