Can't move...won't move.

I tried to make another GP appointment today for an X Ray on my back. They were constantly engaged between 8 am and 8.45 and when i finally got through i was told to get an X Ray I had to actually see a Gp ( which i tried to do 2 weeks ago!!) And that i should have called at 8 am as they were all fully booked for today now!!!! Ahhhhhhh!

Any way, Iwent back to work this afternoon. Driving was tricky (and painful) so to avoid having to move my right leg too much between the excellorator and the break I stuck behind the slowest truck on the M25!!

Home now and Mr W is out for the evening with the Police squash team playing the first game of the season, so I have the TV all to myself. Just wish I knew how to work it properly!

I'd spend more time on Blip but it's surprising just how tricky it is to type in a lap top whilst laying down so apologies for lack of comments at the moment.

Right, what's hot to watch on TV right now??!!!


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