Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Here goes...

Today was the first day of all four girlies being in full-time education...... and relax!

I love my girls, I absolutely love each of their personalities, they make me proud, they make me smile, they make me laugh and they've taught me to love like I never knew possible. I also love that they are all at school.

I'm not one of those mum's that is crying or welling up at the school gates because "my baby's all grown up". It might happen, I might suddenly realise that the house is quiet (if that is really even possible), but right now they are all where they need to be. They are safe, they are learning and they are happy with their friends.

I, however, have 9 years of stuff to shift, 9 years of procrastination to sort and a whole heap of ironing!

Today I took the time to celebrate with fellow Monma friends that all of our children are now at school and we can start to get our sh%t together! We sat in the "adults only" area of the restaurant - because we can and we ate hot food while it was still hot and we were able to eat our lunch without stopping for a toilet break, or to cut someone else's dinner up.

Now I am fully aware that in years to come there is every chance that I could look back at this moment and wish for the time back when I had them all at home as babies, and I'm sure there are those that don't get to have this time with their little ones. However, right now, I'm relishing this moment, this one right here where I can have a drink and meal in the middle of the day without interruption or disruption.

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