
Poor Cousteau has had a bit of a day of it today.

I got up to find a runny-eyed pooch, rubbing his eyes with his paws and generally looking a bit uncomfortable. Off the vets with him. He's got conjunctivitis brought on by his allergies (hayfever this time). He's also got itchy red ears. We've got some eye drops and have put him back soley on his hypo-allergenic food.

Later in the day, I was told by several independent witnesses that my beautiful boy is overweight. I feel so ashamed that I have let him down by not noticing it. He's not majorly overweight, just a little plump. He's on a controlled portions diet from now and we've already had a 35 minute blat in the forest this morning. Beach or forest (mountainbiking) later.

So, that's the saga of my poor boy. He'll be fine. I just feel like I've not been a good owner. We'll both get over it, I'm sure.

After church, G and I chased these clouds. We went out for milk and ended up hooning through the streets of Rangiora to find an open space to get a decent shot of the amazing cloudscape.

Home to bed and sleep. Zzzzzz

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