The bees and I have been enjoying the sun

A morning for tidying my workroom, trying to find some paper strips I created the last time I worked on a tree series.  Really I could make some more and I probably will have to as I didn't find them, but I think I needed to clear the room up anyway.

The afternoon was so lovely that I decided I should make the most of it and do some cutting back of plants that have finished flowering.  Very good timing as the green-waste will be collected in the morning.  Quite a few carder bees around today industriously collecting pollen, plus a fair number of buff-tailed bumblebees and an assortment of others.  Some of them looked like smaller versions of their big sisters.  I wonder if the nest produces smaller worker as the season moves to a close.

Phone calls with a couple of friends I haven't seen or spoken to for quite a long time.  Good to catch up but also difficult to hear that one of them has been recently diagnosed with cancer and has just begun chemo.  It's not easy this getting old!   

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