Light & sight

By CameronDP


In Knaresborough this morning to have my mouth prodded, poked and scraped by..err, the dentist, I couldn't resist the temptation to take a stroll through the castle grounds. I was hoping to see a certain gang of feathery tourist attractions and there they were....
These tame ravens are on regular display during the summer months. I believe their handler (the woman in the vaguely medieval costume sitting on the bench) works for the council: I wonder what her job title is? Raven Lady? Corvine Display Operator?
I could have gone for a closer, portrait style shot, but I didn't want the photo to look like a postcard, and I quite liked the expressions here: the seen-it-all-before boredom of the handler; the nervous, 'I'm really not sure about those feathery beasties' glance from the woman in with the purple hair; the bemused interest of the man with the white beard....not to mention the 'whatchoo looking at?' suspicion of the guy in the purple t-shirt.
I think ravens are amazing-looking birds. They are closely related to crows and rooks and reportedly very intelligent. These fellahs look quite happy sitting on the walls for hours, preening themselves while visitors gawp and admire their coal-black feathers. Sometimes they stir themselves and go for a wander across the bowling green (just out of shot on the right).
Hmmm....ravens? Castles?

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