Swift Watch

Every year, the vaux swifts come in September and nest in the now-disused chimney of the Chapman School. Bella first saw them five years ago, and this year her little brother saw them for the first time. (If you have time for a 3-minute trailer of a documentary about the Portland phenom, click on the first link in that five-year-old blip of Bella.) Tonight Seth is away working, but Cristina, Bella, Evan and I had a picnic (along with a thousand or so other people) and watched the swifts descend. I've been shooting pictures of this event for eight years now, and this year, with Evan in the foreground, a couple of people filming with their cell phones, and 30,000 swifts (give or take a few thousand) descending into the chimney, I think I got the picture I want. Want more? The extra gives you a sense of the crowd. Where's Waldo Bella?

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