Easedale Tarn

Yesterday's bitter wind increased today, there's definitely a sense of the changing seasons on the fells now - but FWG's charm held and we only got wet once - and that had nothing to do with rain. I shall remember in future to take a mat to sit on when demonstrating body belays!

I'm sure we amused the few walkers we saw sauntering past on the well made paths as we made our way from indistinct ring contour to vague promontory - heads down and concentrating we probably made the slowest, but most accurate circumnavigation of the tarn ever. Dropping into Far Easedale I had the joy of showing FWG another first - keen naturalist that she is FWG knew it was a sundew straightaway. Of course once you see one you always then find they're everywhere lol.
We then had some spot on relocation practise followed by a bit of a yomp down to the Beck and a fast walk out as the few sparse raindrops of the day splashed down. Obviously there was also coffee and cake.

I've known for a while that I've taken on too much consultation work and that I need to get back to instructing & guiding more, these last two days following on from such a good season in the Alps have only confirmed that.

Philosophy Friday
Sometimes the ones you seek to inspire end up being the ones who inspire you.

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