
By Fisherking

........Try and remember.............

This arrived next neurologists appointment.....I'm guessing that the results of my tests last week have confirmed MS.......and that the rate of progression isn't yet a major cause for concern.........but I don't know........I haven't had the results yet.

Yesterday was a bugger.......lots of pain..............hardly any mobility..............had to retreat to bed for the afternoon......the Daughter brought my meds from the chemist........they were wrong!........Loki escaped as I was at the front door,just as it was going dark.............he refused to come back.......I tripped coming back in and cannoned off a wall......I had to phone the S & H to come.....he got Loki back in...............I was back in bed by 10.00 with strong painkillers...........and was awake for hours.

Today has been totally pain....managed to do lots of little jobs.....including getting to the washing machine (in the garage) and setting off a load.......mobility no problem........the GP rang and agreed with me about the meds...........and apologised and put it right.........and agreed to chase up the physios.............I like days like this!

Charlotte went to hockey practice for the first time Bury Jaguars..........the club I was Chairman of for 10 years..........she took to it like a duck to water............and the S & H was offered a coaching position. Now I need to buy her a stick!

Hope tomorrow is as good as today was.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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