
By katgirl

DSLR Experimentation

I put a Nikon D90 on my Amazon wish list, hoping but not expecting anyone to bite.

But my father called the other day to let me know that he had ordered it for me and asked whether it was for me or James. Both was my reply. I was feeling rather guilty about it, as that was also the day my Canon died from slippery finger disease. James is a far more deserving candidate than I.

James has been thrilled that I am taking up digital SLR photography. Today, I grabbed a lichen covered stick to photograph & James enthusiastically stepped in to help. Honestly, the picture is mostly James' as it was his camera, with his settings choices, his flash & diffuser work. My role: choosing the stick, choosing the areas in which to focus, saying yes or no to the movements of James' slider in Lightroom. I am facing a huge learning curve when I receive the new camera. Fortunately, I have a wonderful teacher.

This is one of the many reasons that allow me to love my husband so much. There were two more just today - he watched Bob this morning during my "shift" since I had a migraine. And he cleaned up from the disastrously messy roasted chicken & potatoes I decided to make on a whim. I think he was much happier about it when I said it was a whim that would not be repeated.

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