Almost Augury, Part 2

I'm looking for signs and portents as Election Day draws near, so when I saw both a male and a female Pileated Woodpecker (today's blip) on the high feeder today (see extra), I watched them carefully.

They're likely a pair, as Pileated Woodpeckers are monogamous, but perhaps they are a new pair, after the death of a mate for one of them, and still getting to know each other. The big birds stared at each other with their red crests up, then looked away, then returned to the belligerent scowls, but with their crests down. A good sign!

The male spent a couple of minutes enjoying the suet and seed cake, while the female practiced her various "looks" -- alert (extra), aggressive, shy, curious, watchful, and a full-length elegant one (extra). Perhaps all her dramatics sent a silent message, as the male flew off, and his mate settled in for a long lunch, clearly enjoying herself!

(The title refers to my September 7 blip. Make of this what you will -- it's clear what my choice will be! And don't miss Phil's photo of the unflappable male Pileated Woodpecker under attack...)

On a much more serious note, the latest shooting in Washington state, leaving five dead, happened 25 miles from Bellingham in a shopping mall. Ending the epidemic of gun violence in this country is a very high priority for me as a voter.

Blip 1644


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