Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Productive Day

The open morning went very well. D & I certainly enjoyed it and so did our little slaves helpers. I cant tell you how many of these robots were made today as the 3D printer has been in over drive the last few weeks. It wasn't all automated of course, as there were plenty of key fobs and mini photo frames being produced "by hand" in pure production line style. The visiting kids loved it and the parents loved it even more which is always the case having worked as a school technician for nearly ten years in three (very) different schools. There was a huge sense of pride around the place despite me not having a proper look around in other departments (I was asked to pop round to take some photos but our D&T  department was just mad, mad busy) and it felt amazing to be one of the many cogs that keep the school running smoothly. One thing I particularly enjoyed today was the new smart screens that were installed across the school. These smart screens are like super massive smart phones and with all the 3D software we had on display, I really did feel like Tom Cruise in the movie Minority Report! Please note: I am NOT a Tom Cruise fan.  Eventually the morning ended at 12.30 13.45, all worn out, but pleased with ourselves.

My day didn't stop there as I had to give my car-less neighbour a lift to PC World to pick up a new telly. Only they didn't have one in stock in Bromborough and ended up heading to the Chester PC World. John finally settled with a decent Panasonic model (no persuasion from me of course ;-D ). Made me jealous as I set it up for them. Being a technician by occupation (and nature) I felt a bit ashamed as I was a bit out of touch with all things Ultra HD, SuperDuper HD, 4K HD, Proper HD, Power HD, Not-so-normal HD, Better-than-normal HD and 50Hz is shite etc. Anyway all sorted and meant that Nancy could watch the Darts in High Definition!

All this while the Tuttles went to Dunham Massey.

Expertly made (Mrs Tuttle) cheese on toast n salad for tea. Pint of Speckled Hen, And early bed me thinks....

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