wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

And......she's back

So it's been a while. My dad died and totally devastated my world. Then I got sick. Still waiting on a treatment plan but hey, it won't kill me so I'll be ok.
I even forgot about BlipBear and Kiwi. They actually were sitting in a rocking chair in my living room forgotten. They are on their way to Washington state. I was a bad babysitter.
So how's things? What did I miss?????
I have started again with this picture of Twilight in the Park. Southern Maine Hospice allows one to buy Luminarias to commemorate a loved one's passing. The funeral home for Dad had one in his honor.
It was beautiful. If I can get another photo up I will.
Next year I will do one for Mom and Dad. My heart wept. I have yet to mourn Dad so it comes in overwhelming waves.......

So my summer has been busy. I had a fence built. Well actually two. I'm going to blip them soon. It has been successful keeping the wack job neighbor away. Every penny worth it. So I'll catch up with more soon. I have missed blip!

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