wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Yeah I'm back too

Hallo TTB ( TonyTiger Bear in case you did not know) here.
I have been very very busy taking care of business. Mom says I have been driving her crazy so she bought me a new toy.
Some sick sick person created this toy. You see the ball is being held hostage and can't get out. I have tried my hardest to liberate this ball. I have so far been unsuccessful.

So this house is crazy. Ethel is still blind, Mia won't play with me anymore and I still don't have thumbs. That still sucks people.
I do however still have a magic paintbrush. Ok it's not magic but if I say it is,
People will leave it alone. Shhhhhh.

I have been spending lots of time snuggling up with mom. She spent lots of time in bed and missed some work.
It rocked people! It was all about me.....I mean her. It was hard sharing my um I mean her bed. But I let Mom sleep with me.
I'm good like that.
So she's getting better and bought me this toy because I need to entertain myself now. I like to chase things but hey I don't like bringing things back. People, I should have staff for this.
Mom watched a lot of something called Netflix and read a lot of books. I felt it important to sleep with her as much as possible.
Oh and I caught a mouse and left it in front of the treat cabinet. I know what you are thinking........smooth TonyTiger Bear.....yup I am like butter.
So while mom checked about for a bit, I kept running this house. Well as much as I could. I'm not very tall and I can't wash dishes, or clothes or bake or garden or.......OK OK.....I slept.
And I looked fabulous doing it! See you soon until then, goodnight to the north and G'Day down under.

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