Presents from Croatia

It was dry in the morning, but then it started to rain, quite heavily, and it has rained most of the day.
I have a cold, so have been having a quiet day and have watched some daytime television, something rarely done in this house.

The only picture I took was of the gifts given to us from Croatia, thanks C.

Was reading about a book titled Progress written by a Swede called Johan Norberg.  He tells us that by every  measure -  food, poverty, personal liberty, even violence - life has improved every year for the majority of human beings, particularly in the two centuries since the Enlightenment.

In 1815 average life expectancy across Europe was 33, and nearly half the British population lived in abject poverty only seen today in sub-Saharan Africa.  In Sweden, thousands still suffered chronic hunger in the 1920's.  Literacy worldwide jumped from 21% in 1900 to 86% now.  I found these astonishing facts.

Perhaps we need to stop complaining and realise how fortunate we are today.  Just a thought.......

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