The late ones

A combination of aspect and the Clematis on the back fence keep the daffodils in the Roma Garden hidden. Last year they didn't flower, probably because it was a long cold winter.

This year they're back to their late selves. When all the usual suspects around town have withered and past their peak, I have my mine to enjoy.

A lot more sorting has happened in the home of hpx today. That came after my morning run, a few cursory domestics and a trip to the supermarket. Rotary was offering free blood pressure checks. I duly took mine. There is only once during a period of many earthquakes and difficulties with the Earthquake Commission that I recorded high normal blood pressure.

Today it was high normal, possibly because I'd run earlier, possibly because the Earthquake Commission is very much in the mix. Either way I'll see my GP in a couple of weeks and get it checked then.

I was a little surprised.

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