In My World

By JoanneInOz

Table Manners

Well, here it is, Sunday morning, and I'm back blipping for Friday!!

What's going on??!!

On Friday night, the family all came around for dinner, along with my Best Friend in the Whole World, who wanted us all to meet the wonderful new man in her life!

There were 10 of us in total, and my family were thrilled to see our friend so happy again, after her divorce 15 years ago (a long and sad story, which is best forgotten).

The office has been taken over recently by my husband, so I've been using the dinner table as my desk, so the laptop had to be packed away for the family dinner, hence no blip on Friday.

BUT....with Emma leaving home a week ago, that leaves a spare room in the house ~ my new office!

Yesterday I began the long and weary task of sorting, rearranging and cleaning, as I am disrupting two rooms. My desk from the office has been moved into my new office, and my husband will be using a roll top computer desk, which is currently in the lounge room, in what will now be his office.

The juggle will continue today, and I will add yesterday's back blip this afternoon, just to allow a little space between blips.

So, Friday's blip shows my elder daughter Hayley, with her little Princess Bella, the Beautiful Border Collie, who thinks that if she shows good table manners, she can join us at the table.

Bella insists that she is a part of the family, and it is a family dinner...right?

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