I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Here's Looking At You

I was out watering my plants this morning. I noticed a little blue spot on top of one the the stems on the blueberry tree. Taking a closer look, I saw this little damsel fly. It is no more than 2" long. (amazing I saw it!)

I went in to get my camera, thinking that it would have moved on by the time I got back, but it was patiently waiting for me and posed. It would fly off and come back to the same spot. I then went in to  get the foot stool so I could be eye to eye with it. Oh, joy! Still there!

This is the first time I have spotted one of these, so I was happy that it was posing for me. I think it wanted to become famous!

I am grateful for eyes that can see (getting better by the day), cameras that can record, lenses that bring me close, and knowledge to get the job done.

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