
By Cari


I was going to call it peek a boo....hubby comes in and says peek a bee, so there ya go. Took a few shots this morning then didn't have a chance to shoot the rest of the day

Had a nice day. Worked for a bit. We have someone on vacation so our manager was happy to have extra hands on deck. I also had a lot I wanted to get done from the week so was able to finish that. It was a beautiful day until we decided to go to the Charleston Seafood Festival, which is closer to the shore. Foggy, cold, windy and did I say cold?! brrr.....Since it was late in the day and it wasn't festival weather we decided to go check it out tomorrow. Hit a couple yard sales on the way back. Glenn got a really cool handmade early 30's myrtlewood table. I got a neat travel trunk from world war 2. Came home and had some left over tuna from last night on a big green salad. Relaxed for a bit watching Pawn Stars and now off to read for a bit. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend!

Happy Saturday
as Bill & Ted would say...Be excellent to each other

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