Lunchtime light at Liverpool Street

Back to work today.  It felt so wrong stopping work on the flat and leaving Tim to it!  I've really loved working together over the past week and a half, and weirdly enjoyed the work itself too.  I did help him move the washing machine into the kitchen before I left this morning - and helped level up the cooker this evening, so I'm not completely out of the game.

Tim did loads more today, securing all the worktops, plumbing in the washing machine and dishwasher, and lots of other bits and pieces.  It was lovely to come home this evening and see yet more progress!

Meanwhile, I had a pretty good day at work.  Spoke to my Mum on the way in this morning - it's her Birthday, and she'd just disembarked from a mini cruise she's been on with my Uncle Terry for the last few days.  Lovely to catch up with her and hear all about it.  At lunchtime, I walked down to Liverpool Street and met up with my friend Kelly and her family.  They live in New Zealand, but won a Roald Dahl themed trip to London recently.  Great to see them, if briefly - and I'll hopefully see them again tomorrow if little Daisy recovers in time from whatever bug she was coming down with today.

Also took delivery today of the new Regina Spektor album - so excited!  The train was absolutely rammed on the way home, so I was forced to listen to it instead of trying to find elbow room to read my book.  What a shame ;)

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