Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Today I was back at BBC Radio Merseyside to record another quick interview.

This time I was in the company of the marvellous Jazamin Sinclair and we were speaking about the 'Respect' art exhibition which is one of the highlights of this year's Liverpool Mental Health Festival. You can find out more about it here...

Jazamin has kindly curated the exhibition for us and chaired the panel of judges who selected the works which will be on show at Unit 51 and Constellations in just a few days time.

She's a multi-talented artist - painter, musician, songwriter and photographer (amongst other things) and you can check out her oeuvre at

We're so lucky to have such a great team of people working with us on the festival. You've already met some of them but I have a feeling you'll be meeting more over the next couple of weeks!

Today's tune just has to be by Jazamin and her band Moxie. Here they are performing at Liverpool's magnificent Nordic church

(You may spot that one of the backing vocalists is my blip subject of almost exactly a year ago, Mersey Wylie... )

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