Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Red sky in the morning

shepherdesses warning? Completely untouched picture of the sunrise this morning, it was this bright and colourful! Today husband and I got on with some firewood chopping. We now have a wee pile of rounds in the shed that I can keep on splitting with my dads logsplitter. Nice to have at least some wood. But nowhere near enough yet. We still need to go and chop and collect loads more lengths. We have moved Glen the Bull and his cow friend into another field so I can safely feed the sale lambs without having help or disturbance from the cattle!

Then in the afternoon husband shot at some targets for his rifle as he is going away tomorrow to do his Deer Stalking Certificate. Its a 4 day course so I will be home alone manning the farm. I decided that it would be a good time to introduce Dris to the finer arts of remaining calm and still on his target (that we have been training on previously). He did very well I was very pleased with him. He managed to stay on his target at a sit and grew the longest neck ever to see if he could see what had been shot! Remember that previous to this occasion gunshot equals either a retrieve or to keep on hunting for birds so I am training a whole new concept to him in that regard.

13c 15mph E overcast but dry

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