Tow Farm

It's been a breezy day, more cloudy but some sunny spells.

I've been working in the museum office all day.  It feels like a while since I was last up at my desk, and plenty yo try and catch up with.  Loads of emails and orders to go through, and more new/old photos coming in, which means the pile is getting higher and higher.  It's been a fairly quiet evening at home, walkies with Sammy and then off to work in the pub later.

I nipped down the road at lunchtime, and had a fine brisk walk.  On my way back to work, I went via the back roads.  This is the old Tow Farm House, where my granny Lorna grew up, also the granny flat on the south side is where my great granny stayed.  The house and farm is still in the family, cousins have it now.  There is also the old school and schoolhouse on the upper left.  Tow Farm, Cunningsburgh. 

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