Blip Central Blog

By BlipCentral

Crowd Funding Rewards

We’ve just introduced the rewards badges from the Blipfuture crowd funding earlier this year.  We’ve provided more information about these on the icons guide.  Just to remind you, anyone who donated £50 or more is entitled to a reward badge.  We contacted all of you who did so during the summer, those wanting their badge given the choice of one that indicated the value of the pledge made, or alternatively the option of a generic supporters’ badge.  We hope you like them.
If you haven’t got the badge you expected, or don’t have a badge and think you are entitled to one, it’s not too late.  We are aware that some people didn’t respond to the survey so if you let us know via the helpdesk, we can sort this out for you. 
Although you won’t realise this yet, any discount you are entitled to as part of the pledge rewards has also been applied to your account.  We were humbled when some people very generously decided to waive their entitlement to the discount. Rest assured, we have made a note in our records, just in case you should change your mind in the future.  We are doing this now so we are ready for the re-introduction of memberships on Blipfoto.  We wanted to make sure you could take advantage of any discount.
Finally, anyone who is entitled to extra hearts will have those applied to their account at the same time.  It seems such a long time since we were raising the money to try and buy Blipfoto.  We appreciate your patience. 

ps You'll see the badges against any comments you make - check out the examples below (in comments).  

pps Sorry, we forgot to point out that the badges are only visible on the website currently.  The iOS and Android apps will reflect the change in badges in the next updates.


We've had it pointed out the badges weren't appearing on your journal pages.  Sorry about this, it is now fixed and you will see them underneath your profile picture and number of blips.

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