When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Step into my office

Riot has been putting in solid hours at her MA so far. New information and ideas are being crammed into her skull through every available orifice. She's even threatened to adopt my news habits (I don't really like to do anything of a day before I've absorbed the morning headlines and drank at least two cups of coffee). I wouldn't really advise this as a lifestyle choice, as it clearly just makes me highly irritable. But she's going to give it a go.

Meanwhile, I've been spending what seem like an awful lot of time in the office on my own, sending emails and phoning people looking for meetings about work. I've been getting cabin fever.

Back home Melvin would be curled up near by, intermittently getting up to shout at me and rub his face off my Wacom Pen. Our new furry flatmate Charlie has a cat flap and only arrives home at about six, looking for his dinner. Not really the same.

I'm going to look into making use of the space and maybe arrange some model tests in the near future. Partly to test some new ideas. Partly cause to be honest, I could do with someone to speak to. I'm talking to myself way to much. There's different voices. Some of the characters are becoming a bit too real...

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