But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


It was a lovely day and I should have been out cycling but, it was also the day we were hosting the Scottish autumn beekeeping lecture tour which did involve making a few plates of sandwiches from first principles; the first principles being flour and yeast all the way down to the one I did earlier with shallots, brine and vinegar. There are always plenty of cakes and biscuits for the bun fight at the end, but I seem to be the only person that takes much-appreciated savoury stuff along. The lecture was worth it, the topic being “Foraging Behaviour” which, while not presenting much in the way of new information, did give a new perspective on the subject. In the past this speaker has upset me by making disparaging remarks about other people’s ways of beekeeping; tonight, being five years older and more experienced, the young fellow redeemed himself.
During an afternoon interlude, I popped down to the apiary, a place I’m finding difficulty in avoiding these days; I had a few ideas for Wide Angle Wednesday hosted, as ever, by BobsBlips (Thanks Bob), and this was merely meant to be a sky to drop into another picture. However, as often happens, masterpieces failed to materialize, but I did rather like this viewpoint. Another time, I will go along the HDR route as there is slightly more dynamic range than the poor little camera can comfortably manage and literally aim a little higher to complete the circle around the sky.
I've just noticed that Blip has managed to post yesterday's Tiny Tuesday against Wednesday, so I'll have to post this for Tuesday. Sorry for the confusion.

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