
Pal Helen has been over today.  We had planned a session on Blurb which she has just downloaded on to her laptop in order to create a family book, but it seems we are using two different Blurb programs, she on BookWright and me on BookSmart!  Why do they have two programs to do the same thing.  The upshot is she has decided to download BookSmart as we both agreed it was more hands-on.

Laptops stowed we took a turn around Bingley St Ives in the gorgeous autumn sunshine, stopping off at the garden centre to pick up a couple of bits and pieces before arriving home for lunch, home made tomato soup and crusty toast.  Then we solved a few of the world's problems before she headed home.

My blip was taken as we crossed to the garden centre and is looking back at the Bingley St Ives woodland across the village cricket and football pitches.  Those gulls will soon have their goalpost perches back methinks!

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