Crazy golf and dinosaurs

The boys slept well and so did we, though it was all systems go at 6.15.

#3 daughter kindly offered to help in the morning by suggesting we meet half way with Ella and Nathaniel at a garden centre that has a crazy golf with dinosaurs around. The "round" cost £23 and of course all the little ones wanted to do was dash about identifying the dinosaurs. You can just see Ella attempting the golf at the top right. Nathaniel and Thomas also are in this picture. #3 daughter was changing James's clothes (points to me for bringing spares) as he'd slipped into a pool while trying to extricate his ball with the club, so got totally soaked.

Then we went to the aquarium to look at the fish which they all loved, before going the cafe for some food. I ate nothing as it was all the most greasy unappetising stuff you could imagine. The kids had ham sandwiches and yogurt - I usually take sandwiches when we go out but I thought it might be too cold to have a picnic today. On the way they all managed to get into a Bob the Builder car - well Ella and Thomas sat on the roof while Nathaniel and James had an altercation about who was in the driving seat.

Both boys fell asleep in the car on the way home. In the afternoon Grandad took James to play on his scooter while I introduced Thomas to Snakes and Ladders. Then they had a poke about in Grandad's shed while I cooked their fish and made a veggie curry for us.

They are both asleep so we are going to have some food and read the paper.

The bad news is not only has my cold lasted over a week, Mr C has started sneezing.

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