twinned with trumpton


A typically slow Saturday start; then out to football / swimming on the bikes. A decent day and warm too. I sat around outside in the sunshine and had 30 minutes of not doing very much at all. 

We did pork / chilli / ginger / garlic / spring onions / lime burgers in wraps for lunch and then off out to get bike helmets. (The way Alex rides, its probably for the best...) We got the ladies off the train at Edinburgh Park did a supermarket sweep and then dropped them before going home. 
Cod and potato wedges (posh fish 'n' chips, essentially) and Kung Fu Panda - let's be honest X Factor is cack, so anything was a welcome change.

And a long chat about future living arrangements. The wheels are in motion. But first I need to book the Aultguish.

Many thanks for all the interest and kind comments for the 1K yesterday; normal service has been resumed now. Back to quietly fannying about in mono, mainly.

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