twinned with trumpton


1000 blips, eh? (well, 1000 here. A quick count says over 2200 scattered about the place, so I'm not sure the 1000 is necessarily a milestone)

Some 7 and a bit years after starting this journal, I've staggered into a 4 figure total; not the slowest but certainly not the fastest. Without wishing to rehash the reasons for starting stopping starting, suffice to say it's been a journey. 
Another child, 4 cameras, 3 jobs, the end of a relationship; the start of another - plenty to look back on in photographs and remember. 

And plenty new friends - real and virtual. I've met a bunch of people who've broadened my horizons, enriched my life. And have plans to meet some more, too in the not too distant future.

But mostly blip scratches an itch. The need to produce. Something of beauty; the seeking of the beauty - my vision of it in all its unlikely settings and getting that and sharing it.


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