A Stroll Around Stourhead

We met up with my sister and brother-in-law this morning for a stroll around Stourhead. We swapped stories of our recent holidays to Samos and the Azores respectively and reflected on how fortunate we are to be able to enjoy such trips.

We then repaired to the nearby Red Lion at Kilmington for Sunday lunch and an excellent pint of local Stourton Pale Ale. My sister reminded me that we had been in this pub once before, 40 years ago, when it was still a cider house and we had all been rather too enthusiastic in sampling the scrumpy before walking it off on nearby Whitesheet Hill. We were 40 years older and more circumspect today!

Sharing this anecdote with the landlord he told us that this was just before his time behind the bar; apparently, the pub has only had 3 landlords/ladies in the last 100 years, which must be something of a record.

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