Light on Ladysmith

The sun continues to shine on us, warm again too.  There was a few clouds about, but they stayed out the way of the sunshine :) 

Up early and headed out walkies with Sammy, before heading into work.  There was more dismantling and setting up events to keep me busy.  The museum was fairly quiet for most of the day, everyone outside enjoying the day.  Relaxing on the sofa after tea, and the power went out!  I dragged myself off the sofa and went walkies with Sammy.  As I strolled around Scalloway in the dusk light, there was gentle flickers of light coming from folks houses, as they lit candles during the power cut.  Back home and back to the sofa, with the power back on :)  

There was lovely light everywhere I went today, created by the low sun we now have.  Me and Sammy had been up the hill this morning and joined up with the road again.  As we came down the road and in about the trees, the light shining though was great, and straight on the flowers too.  Taken on Ladysmith Road, Scalloway.

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