Squashy pillow

Well. I took a set-up shot of my evening tea ceremony but this snap of Charley zonked out on my squashy tummy, apparently the best pillow, pipped it :) I totally need to start going to zumba or something if I want to wear crop tops in public any time ever again.....

Steve and Ben went off to church this morning leaving me and Charley to attempt to tidy up and get a sunday dinner on the go. And, especially given it was the first time I've done a roast dinner almost entirely on my own, I was extremely proud of the results! Ok so I slightly overcooked the beef but I'll know for next time ;-) Need to learn how to make gravy now...

We were joined by the lovely Alex and Lucy for lunch, to talk about plans for a new Thing starting in the autumn. Ben eventually overcame his shyness (after falling and grazing his knee pretty badly) and spent a happy time "playing rugby and shooting the naughty mans" with Alex. They were looking after the rugby ball egg, and protecting it with water pistols... they had fun anyway! And after lunch we decamped indoors where poor wounded limping Ben got to watch a movie while we talked some more.

After they went home I conceded defeat and headed off to bed with my head's version of a migraine :( I am glad I don't get them very often. I had to find my eye mask - never worn one before, but was very glad of it today, as even the light coming through my eyelids hurt. Thankfully the combination of paracetamol and brufen and a lie down worked enough to cope with a cuddle from a concerned Ben who understood exactly what was going on when I said I had broken eyes. He still remembers when he had his broken eyes headache/migraine thing.

The headache is lingering still but it was under control enough to cuddle the boys to sleep (Ben downstairs, fell asleep, allowed Steve to carry him up to bed!) and watch the most fabulously bonkers closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. What can I say - God bless Eric Idle, I was crying with laughter!

And so to bed. Tomorrow it's back to attacking the office room again.

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