Krka National Park

Third time trying to download this - the massive thunderstorm while we are sailing doesn't help!

Early start to catch coach and then boat to take us to yet another beautiful destination - Krka National Park. It contains 17 waterfalls (we didn't see them all), the best known of which is Skradinski buk, a truly spectacular series of falls.

We started at the bottom of the hill and climbed up millions of steps to the top of the falls. Amazing sights along the way, including banks of wild pink cyclamen, walnuts the size of tennis balls and the freshest water in all of Europe.

After a coffee and a visit to the ever-present souvenir shop, we boarded another coach to take us to a local winery where tapas-type snacks were served along with the wine. Totally delicious!

Now back on the ship and the captain has just stopped at one of the many mussel farms along the route to purchase a huge sack of them, so guess what we are having for dinner tonight?

Our next destination has had to be changed because too many fishing boats have gone in to shelter from the storm, so we are ploughing on to another port, although I doubt if many will want to get off and explore if it's still pouring with rain.

Tomorrow we arrive in Split, the final port for us, although we don't leave Croatia until Wednesday.

So sorry not to be able to comment or reply, but will try to catch up on my return home.

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