Not these fences

Calais beach was a bit empty, not surprising as it was raining. However, more depressing than the rain, was seeing all the fences around the port – all a little more substantial than these on the sand.

Yes, we are in Calais and we are staying here, despite all the problems. Actually it’s because of all the problems that we are staying here. We have always had an affection for the place. Over many, many years we have regarded Calais as our entry to and exit from France, and we know it well – its hotels, its restaurants and cafés, its shops, its beaches. So now, as it is suffering badly from the impact of the migrant crisis, we feel a certain loyalty and a need to continue to support businesses that have served us so well in the past.
The hotel we like best of all is Hotel Meurice – a traditional, rather old-world place, full of antique furniture and charming service. Sadly, this was one of the hotels that was the subject of an article a while back describing the impact of the troubles – the hotel, like others, is suffering because people are staying away, afraid to stop in the town. No wonder the inhabitants of Calais are in despair at the situation, and often they are the very ones who sympathise with the despair of the migrants. It’s just the impact on their own livelihoods that’s the problem. And there doesn’t seem to be an answer.
So, we will continue to stay here and eat here and shop here. And hopefully we will get our ferry safely in the morning. (Just read about the tragedy at the Tunnel – an answer must be found soon.)

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