Bricks on the upper level

So it's time for our house construction update. We visited the house on Friday and were happily surprised that they had started the walls. They didn't have bricks on the second floor, but now they do, so perhaps we'll get walls to second floor this week.

Ours is the left corner. Downstairs will have our bedroom, open kitchen and living room and bathroom. Second floor will have only open space. It's my loft dream. And since it's only two of us and the dogs and we're usually in the same room anyway. From the second floor we'll have stairs to the rooftop terrace which will be the whole roof of our section. I hope we'll have a great view from the roof.

Back of the house will have a balcony, but our plan is to convert it to a storage area by adding walls and a roof. We'll have a very small yard too.

As the daily blip is so boring I added a cute dog in the beach as additional. I just think that in time it will be nice to have stored the progress of the house.

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