
By Nettenet

River Wey Navigation

Mr C has been off the last couple of days with a chesty cough and I was hoping he would feel like a bit of fresh air and go on an autumn walk with me but no, he decided not to.

I decided to go to Ripley and walk along the river path to Pyrford Lock and back again. Ruby was full of beans today and on a complete high jumping in and out of the water (only if she can touch the bottom!!). She wasn't naughty just lively ~ as if she hadn't been walked for days! The weather was glorious and so glad I made myself go.

I also saw Paul Weller (The Jam) when we first got out of the car and I got a good morning, well actually more of a 'Hi'... then blow me I saw he again when I returned to the car.

Couple of extras.

(All ok in Tenerife)

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