Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

What is normal?

A typical day tends to start with the wee man wriggling and waking either me or Nikki up (we would have crawled into his bed to help him sleep during the night).  This tends to occur when the sun comes up so his wake up time has slowly shifted from 5:15am to a more palatable 7am recently.
I used to have a play with the kids downstairs while Nikki grabbed an extra hour or two's worth of kip but with both kids waking up a little later, we’re both needed to get them ready and out the door by 8:15am.  Thankfully both kids go to the same nursery/preschool now so the school run is much easier than when I dropped the little lady off at the childminder.  The wee man occasionally protests as he goes in but he’s usually bribed by the prospect of playing with his good friend Robbie.

There was a time when I’d meet Nikki and the kids almost every lunch but now that they stay for lunch I only see them once or twice a week.
Bedtime is tricky as I struggle to make it home in time to help.  Nikki usually gets their dinner around 5pm and then starts their bath and bedtime ritual shortly after.  I always work late on Mondays but I try to make it home for about 6pm to catch the tail end of their baths and bedtime stories.  I tend to get the little lady down, while Nikki cuddles up with the wee man.  With a little luck, they’re both asleep around 7pm.
To be honest, I only really help on a Tuesday night (I’m a slave to my own work ethic on the other days).  Fortunately we have a Nanny to help out on Thursdays and Fridays but Nikki is still left with the bulk of the work.

Wine helps.

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