BCAM - Day 11

Eileen and I made it to Heathrow well ahead of time, super early start for us. As if it wasn't already an emotional time for me, Etihad decided they wanted to charge me excess baggage for 4kgs!!!! 5 weeks of being away, a few jam jars, and small picnic table, sure would add up, but really, 4kgs! AND it was an A380, and I found out later on board that there were plenty of empty seats .... aaargh. Not cool Etihad. Rant over.

Got that sorted and said a rather tearful goodbye to Eileen. It's been a really special time and she has understood well the pain of letting go and has had the hug right when I needed it. But I've left with promises of seeing each other soon again! Couldn't be more grateful for the love and care I've received. So blessed I am.

Bought these three pink pens at Harrods at the airport for friends back home. Blip sorted!

I'm now in Dubai and it's 34C!!! I was boiling in the airport, there's just no pleasing me ;-). And Geraldine read that there's going to be snow in some parts of the UK. Very decent of the weather to wait I'll I'd departed :/.

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